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Love your community.

Featured Experiences

How GoLove works
GoLove goes beyond booking a fun experience. Beyond creating long-lasting memories. Beyond making booking kids experiences easy. It's about your experience having impact. That's why a portion of your booking's revenue is shared with a school community you love.

Connecting Everyone.

100s of experiences and party entertainment just a click away
No more searching for hours. Cross checking dates, prices and reviews. Explore hundreds of experiences to make the holidays, weekends or your next party awesome.
Discover experiences from local providers
Fun experiences for babies to high-schoolers
Give to a school P&C with every booking

School events, entertainment options and vacation care experiences made easy
Connect with safe and trusted providers and unlock fun, educational or entertainment experiences. Make memories and achieve your school's initiatives with ease.
Trusted and vetted local providers
Book fun excursions and incursions
Sponsor your own school

Get discovered (and loved) by thousands of parents, schools and kids
Put your kids experiences or party entertainment up in lights, reaching more local customers, school and vacation care providers than ever before.
Bespoke marketing and sales support
Easily manage your bookings
Instant deposit with each booking
Where experiences, fun and impact meet

Activities and events your kids will love
Create lasting memories with local activities, events and entertainment.
Fun, engaging activities
Hidden local gems

Adventure activities to Zoo experiences
Uncover new activities to spark imaginations and creativity.
Help them thrive and learn new skills
Save time and book all in one place

Book an experience and share the love
Support your local school making a difference with our kids each and every day.
Build strong community connections
Each booking gives back to your school P&C

Activities and events made easy for your school
We're making booking kids experiences simple. Find new experiences, fun activities and awesome party entertainment all in one place. From local providers you can trust. Explore, book and manage your activities with ease. Think what you could do with the extra time in your day…