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Letting kids everywhere spread their wings

GoLove makes it simple for parents to provide their children with positive experiences and activities that help them grow. We hope to inspire a generation of children and support local communities along the way.

We love what we do

Our Vision

Our purpose is to partner with communities around the world for the welfare of as many children as possible. Every child deserves the opportunity to be educated and ultimately live life to their highest potential. We want to create a culture of inspiration, love, and sharing so that every individual feels valued.

Our Mission

GoLove connects parents, family members, schools, vacation care and corporate organisations with fun, engaging kids' experiences and activities from trusted local service providers. Built with a love of creating memories and long-lasting impact, a portion of the profits from each and every booking goes back to local registered Parent and Citizen (P&C) Committees. All chosen by the customers in the community booking the experience. This triangle of support between providers, customers and schools benefits more than just the kids. It's about making it simple to book experiences and activities, boosting local businesses, and supporting the school communities that are making a difference with our children each and every day.
GoLove ExpierienceGoLove Expierience

Why the
name GoLove?

underline  smile heartyellow hearts

Kindness is giving to others, which creates love.

Our vision is about creating a loving, supportive and respectful community. That's what makes us GoLove.

The GoLove Team


Founder and CEO

As a mother, wife, and professional, my story was no different from other parents, juggling activities for their children.

From sports, tuitions and creative classes - so much of my time was just sifting through hundreds of social media posts - only to be drowned by its noise!

I knew I wasn't the only parent frustrated by the difficulty of finding and booking meaningful experiences for my kids. I could also see a huge range of local services that needed a clearer platform to be discovered. A digital marketplace was the answer to these problems, but how could I make a more impactful contribution for my wider community? I developed a business model that automatically shares a portion of GoLove’s proceeds to nominated School P&C Groups - ensuring that every child is supported in their own community.


Business Relationship Manager

From a very young age I knew that I wanted to travel the world, learn from others, and quite honestly be the best version of myself.

Having lived and worked in London for 16 years, I learnt a lot about people. We are social beings - from pals from the same countries, to exercise groups to whole communities that support common causes. What drew me to GoLove is its pure intention to make a positive impact on local communities, connecting everyone.

I personally hope to make a difference for the kids, parents, service providers and schools all around the country.


Technical Lead

I have a passion for technology and awesome user experiences. I have formed and led a big part of the team that created this site. A lot of iteration, creativity and thought was put into every aspect of this platform. I look forward to seeing how you use and enjoy the experience as we continue to improve, add and update going forward.

Ally, Ben, Dan

Creative Division


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